Source: ol/control/Search.js

 * @module webgis4u/ol/control/Search

import Control from 'ol/control/Control';
import GeoJSON from 'ol/format/GeoJSON';
import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector';
import * as proj from 'ol/proj';
import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector';

import AutoComplete from '../../components/AutoComplete';
import { asyncDebounce } from '../../util/promise/asyncDebounce';
import { sendRequest } from '../../util/web/sendRequest';

import { getIconStyle } from '../style/style';
import { zoomToLayerExtent } from '../util/zoomToLayerExtent';

import './Search/Search.scss';

 * Is called when an error occurs. Can be overriden by your own business logic.
 * @callback OnErrorCallback
 * @param {type} request The request.
 * @param {type} status The status.
 * @param {type} error The error.
 * @param {ol.Layer} layer The layer.
 * @param {ol.Map} map The map.

 * Is called when the user hovers over a search result in the ajax serach field.
 * @callback OnHoverCallback
 * @param {string} suggestion The suggestion.
 * @param {ol.layer.Vector} layer The layer on which the search results will be drawn.
 * @param {ol.Map} map The map.
 * @param {ol.format.GeoJSON} geoJsonFormat The GeoJsonFormat parser.

 * Is called when a search result is selected.
 * @callback OnSelectCallback
 * @param {string} suggestion The sugestion.
 * @param {ol.layer.Vector} layer The layer on which the search results will be drawn.
 * @param {ol.Map} map The map.
 * @param {ol.format.GeoJSON} geoJsonFormat The GeoJsonFormat parser.

 * Is called when the search results are returned. Can be overridden by your specific code.
 * @callback OnShowCallback
 * @param {Object.<string, ol.vector.Feature>} suggestions The suggestions as key value pair (html, feature).
 * @param {ol.layer.Vector} layer The layer on which the search results will be drawn.
 * @param {ol.Map} map The map.
 * @param {ol.format.GeoJSON} geoJsonFormat The GeoJsonFormat parser.

 * Return value or default value
function valueOrDefault(value, defaultValue) {
  return (value === undefined || value === null)
    ? defaultValue
    : value;

 * Convert the acquired feature data
 * @param {any} featureData The feature to read
 * @param {ol.ProjectionLike} projection Projection of the feature geometries created by the format reader.
 * @param {ol.format.GeoJSON} geoJsonFormat
 * @returns {ol.Feature}
function toFeature(featureData, projection, geoJsonFormat) {
  return geoJsonFormat.readFeature(
    featureData, {
      featureProjection: projection,

 * @type {module:webgis4u/ol/control/Search~OnShowCallback}
function defaultOnShow(suggestions, layer, map, geoJsonFormat) {
  const mapProj = map.getView().getProjection();

  // eslint-disable-next-line no-plusplus
  for (let i = 0; i < suggestions.length; i++) {
      toFeature(suggestions[i].data, mapProj, geoJsonFormat),
  zoomToLayerExtent(layer, map);

 * @type {module:webgis4u/ol/control/Search~OnHoverCallback}
function defaultOnHover(suggestion, layer, map, geoJsonFormat) {
    toFeature(, map.getView().getProjection(), geoJsonFormat),

 * @type {module:webgis4u/ol/control/Search~OnSelectCallback}
function defaultOnSelect(suggestion, layer, map, geoJsonFormat) {
  const layeyrSource = layer.getSource();
    toFeature(, map.getView().getProjection(), geoJsonFormat),
  zoomToLayerExtent(layer, map);

 * @type {module:webgis4u/ol/control/Search~OnErrorCallback}
function defaultOnError(request, status, error, layer) {
  console.log('error: ', request, status, error);

 * The default name used for the search field
const HTML_NAME_SEARCH_FIELD = 'webgis4uSearchField';

 * Provides google like search capability for the map.
 * The service is always application specific and must therefore be provided
 * by the application that uses the webgis client.
 * @example //for  search response format (= just an empty array)
 * [
 *   {
 *     "value": "display value 1",
 *     "data": {"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1187555.69,6019550.63]},"properties":{"lid":"layer0","fid":"fid0"}}
 *   },
 *   {
 *     "value": "display value 2",
 *     "data": {"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[13555.69,6015650.63]},"properties":{"lid":"layer0","fid":"fid1"}}
 *   },
 *   {
 *     "value": "display value n",
 *     "data": {"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[1087555.69,5419550.63]},"properties":{"lid":"layer1","fid":"fidn"}}
 *   }
 * ]
 * */
class Search extends Control {
   * The dfeault nothing found message for the search control. Can be overriden with an individual message.
  static MESSAGE_NOTHING_FOUND = 'Leider nichts gefunden';

   * The dfeault nothing found message for the search control. Can be overriden with an individual message.
  static MESSAGE_PENDING = 'Bitte um Geduld...';

   * The style to show all search results.
  static showStyle = getIconStyle({
    src: '',
    anchorX: 0.5,
    anchorY: 0,
    opacity: 0.8,

   * The style to show a single search result on hover.
  static hoverStyle = getIconStyle({
    src: '',
    anchorX: 0.5,
    anchorY: 0,
    opacity: 0.5,

   * The style to show a selected search result.
  static selectStyle = Search.showStyle;

   * The default search URL. Can be overridden with an individual value (defaults value is "/ugisSearch").
   * @example //for setting a different search URL
   * Search.url = "/myApplicationSpecificURL";
  static URL = '/ugisSearch';

   * The number of potential hits (defaults value is 19).
   * @example //for setting a different search limit
   * Search.limit = 10;
  static limit = 19;

   * The number af chars after which the search starts (Avoids unecessary traffic in the server). The default value is 3.
   * @example //for setting a different minLength
   * Search.minLength = 2;
  static minLength = 3;

   * The timout in ms for a search request (default = 2000).
  static timeout = 2000;

   * Preprocesses the query. It gets as input parameters the query string and the map and has to output a json array
   * @example // for setting a custom search response
   * Search.preprocessQuery = (query, map) => ({query, 'extent': map.getView().calculateExtent(map.getSize())});
  static preprocessQuery = query => ({ query });

   * @type {module:webgis4u/ol/control/Search~OnErrorCallback}
   * Is called when an error occurs. Can be overriden by your own business logic.
   * @example
   * Search.onError = (request, status, error, layer, map) => {
   *   layer.getSource().clear();
   *   if (status == "timeout") {
   *       // timeout -> reload the page and try again
   *       console.log("timeout");
   *   } else {
   *       // another error occured
   *       console.log("error: " + request + status + err);
   *   }
   * };
  static onError = defaultOnError;

   * @type {module:webgis4u/ol/control/Search~OnHoverCallback}
  static onHover = defaultOnHover;

   * @type {module:webgis4u/ol/control/Search~OnSelectCallback}
   * @example
   * //Can be overridden with your code
   * Search.onSelect = (suggestion, layer, map, geoJsonFormat) => {
   *    layer.getSource().clear();
   *    layer.getSource().addFeature(feature);
   *    zoomToExtent(feature.getGeometry().getExtent(), map);
   * };
  static onSelect = defaultOnSelect;

 * @type {module:webgis4u/ol/control/Search~OnShowCallback}
  static onShow = defaultOnShow;

   * @type {ol.Map|null}
  map_ = null;

   * @type {HTMLElement}
  _mapEl = null;

  _searchField = null;

  _suggestions = null;

   * Parser with the default geojson projection EPSG:4326
   * @type {ol.format.GeoJSON}
  _geoJsonFormat = new GeoJSON({ defaultProjection: proj.get('EPSG:4326') });

   * @type {ol.layer.Vector}

   * @type {ol.layer.Vector}

   * The selector for the search field
   * @type {string}

   * The number of maximum shown result items
   * @type {number}

   * Constructor
   * @param {object} [options]  The following properties are supported.
   * @param {int} [options.minLength] The length when a request to the datasource is triggered.
   * @param {int} [options.limit] The number of displayed hits.
   * @param {string} [options.url] The search URL.
   * @param {string} [options.preprocessQuery] The search preprocessing function.
   * @param {string} [options.searchField] The search Field as jQuery selector.
   * @param {string} [options.timeout] The timeout in ms for the search Ajax Request.
  constructor(passedOptions) {
    const options = passedOptions || {};

    const element = document.createElement('div');


    // Default values
    this.minLength = valueOrDefault(options.minLength, Search.minLength);
    this.limit = valueOrDefault(options.limit, Search.limit);
    this.searchURL = valueOrDefault(options.searchURL, Search.URL);
    this.timeout = valueOrDefault(options.timeout, Search.timeout);
    this.searchFieldSelector = valueOrDefault(

    // Default functions
    this.preprocessQuery = valueOrDefault(options.preprocessQuery, Search.preprocessQuery);
    this.onError = valueOrDefault(options.onError, Search.onError);
    this.onHover = valueOrDefault(options.onHover, Search.onHover);
    this.onShow = valueOrDefault(options.onShow, Search.onShow);
    this.onSelect = valueOrDefault(options.onSelect, Search.onSelect);


   * Gets the search overlay layer. Which is a vector layer on which the search result is visualized.
   * @returns {ol.layer.Vector}
   * @example
   * mySerachOverlayLayer = mySearchControl.getSearchOverlay();

  getSearchOverlay() { return this._searchOverlay; }

   * Layer containing all search results
   * @returns {ol.layer.Vector}
   * @example
   * mySerachOverlayLayer = mySearchControl.getSearchResult();
  getSearchResult() { return this.layerSearchResults; }

   * @returns {any} The suggestions
  getSuggestions() { return this._suggestions; }

   * Initialize the layers
   * @private
  initLayers() {
    this.layerSearchResults = new VectorLayer({
      map: this.map_,
      source: new VectorSource(),
      style: Search.selectStyle,

    // Create the search result overlay
    this._searchOverlay = new VectorLayer({
      map: this.map_,
      source: new VectorSource(),
      style: Search.hoverStyle,

   * @inheritdoc
   * @param {ol.Map} map
  setMap(map) {

    /* unbind everything an cleanup */
    if (this.map_) {


    this.map_ = map;
    // Nothing more to do if there is no map
    if (!map) { return; }

    // Find the new map target
    this._mapEl = map.getTargetElement();
    this._searchField = this._mapEl.parentElement.querySelector(this.searchFieldSelector);
    // Only proceed if the search field exists
    if (!this._searchField) { return; }


    // Create a debounced version of getFiltered list
    const getSource = asyncDebounce(
      query => this.getFilterdList(this.searchURL, map, query),

    this.autoComplete = new AutoComplete({
      element: this._searchField,
      minLength: this.minLength,
      messages: {
        notFound: Search.MESSAGE_NOTHING_FOUND,
        pending: Search.MESSAGE_PENDING,
      source: getSource,
      getChoiceText: result => result.value,
      onListUpdated: choices => this.showSearchResults(choices),
      onItemSelected: (ev, suggestion) => {
        this.onSelect(suggestion, this.layerSearchResults, map, this._geoJsonFormat);
      onItemHover: (ev, suggestion) => {
        this.onHover(suggestion, this._searchOverlay, map, this._geoJsonFormat);

   * Retrieve a list of filtered items
   * @param {string} url The url
   * @param {ol.Map} map The map
   * @param {string} query The query
   * @returns {Promise} The result
   * @private
  async getFilterdList(url, map, query) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        type: 'GET',
        data: this.preprocessQuery(query, map),
        timeout: this.timeout,
        success: (json) => {
        error: (xhr, status, error) => {
          // reject();
          this.onError(xhr, status, error, this.layerSearchResults, map);

   * Clears the search results
   * @private
  clearSearchResults() {
    // clear all existing search results.

   * shows the search resuls.
   * @param {Array} suggestions The found suggestions
   * @private
  showSearchResults(suggestions) {

    // Get the elements from this
    const {
    } = this;

    this._suggestions = suggestions;
    this.onShow(suggestions, layerSearchResults, map_, _geoJsonFormat);

export default Search;